At UFCW Local 102, we offer a wide variety of training and education opportunities including health and safety, workplace rights and union steward training. Training and workshops are provided at workplace locations as well as at the UFCW Canada Local 102 Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Other skills and credits taught and offered with UFCW include job skills upgrading, high school credits, as well as college-accredited courses. These courses are free of charge for Local 102 members and their families using webCampus. Webcampus is an advanced form of technology which offers UFCW Canada members “The Freedom to Learn” in English and French, free of charge.
This interactive learning program is designed in partnership with Mohawk Community College. One of the benefits of this program is that the credits can actually be used to earn community college credits once successfully completed. We have more the 80 courses to choose from. These courses range everything from computer courses to understanding the history of the unions. By using webCampus, you enable yourself to learn at your own personal pace at the time of your convenience from any computer device with an Internet connection. It is not a prerequisite to have prior experience with a computer, nor do you have to own a computer. The course is available to you at any location with a computer, for instance, a library, computer lab, friend or relatives house.
Local 102 members can register online at or by calling toll-free
1-866-865-0202 where webCampus staffs are available to guide and assist you with the step-by-step online registration process.